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Monica Thomas

Verified Expert  in Marketing

Marketing Expert

Lindenhurst, United States
Toptal Member Since
June 20, 2023

Monica是一位富有创造力和激情的数字营销专业人士,在搜索引擎优化(SEO)和营销(SEM)方面经验丰富。, content writing, social media, Google AdWords and Analytics, and pay-per-click marketing. 她的专业知识扩展到用户体验设计,WordPress, HTML, CSS, Semrush, Moz和移动策略. 作为一个专家和积极进取的团队合作者, 莫妮卡的方法帮助公司和个人在网上获得曝光, 最终增加他们的产品和服务的收入.

Work Experience

数字营销专员| Owner

2021 - 2023
Market Visible
  • 提供国际SEO服务, including SEO audits, keyword research, Yoast SEO implementation, on- and off-page optimization, 以及SEO关键词和内容的实现, 增加流量和优先关键词搜索引擎定位.
  • 与设计和开发团队密切合作,进行用户界面设计研究, analysis, and strategies, 极大地改善了用户体验,并带来了新的客户咨询和收购.
  • 获得的客户数量同比快速增长, new business, 通过运用我在技术方面的专业知识来领导, conceptual, 以及销售和潜在客户驱动程序的内容开发.
  • Researched, created, optimized, 并整合了社交媒体帖子,以提高Instagram上的用户参与度, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. 使用Hootsuite管理社交媒体营销.
  • 为我们的项目创建数字和营销演示, visited new prospects, presented the programs, closed deals, and set up new clients.
  • Managed Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and Poshmark accounts, helping with product visibility, SEO, online reputation management, keyword and competitor research, image guidelines, pricing, content optimization, and mobile advertising.


三个月的课程, users increased by 22%, new users by 57%, contact form inquiries by 47%, and phone calls by 53%. Six months through, users increased by 47%, new users by 72%, contact form inquiries by 58%, and phone calls by 62%.

一家纽约律师事务所需要为他们的75名律师和15个执业团队提供能见度和咨询,以及SEO内容和社交媒体策略. 他们的听众包括高净值个人和名人. 他们的主要号召行动(CTA)集中在接收联系表格和电话询问他们的服务.

我用高流量关键词优化了所有75位律师. 我还优化了url与律师执业领域的关键字. Then, 我在网站上为每个实践领域创建了一个案例研究部分, 每个案例研究都突出了挑战, solutions, and results. 我通过利用YouTube视频等技术获得了牵引力, onsite videos, featured snippets, blog posts, 每个实践领域的重要术语词汇表, comprehensive FAQs, and social media sharing.

Additionally, 我实施了一个完整的SEO改造他们的网站, 在元数据和特色片段中注入目标关键字. 我为他们的政府关系创建了一个子域名,并实现了一个高度针对性的链接, 发起一场活动,利用JD Supra等法律网站,让律师获得更多的知名度.


三个月的课程, users increased by 35%, new users by 49%, contact form inquiries by 37%, and phone calls by 59%. Six months through, users increased by 45%, new users by 64%, contact form inquiries by 52%, and phone calls by 63%.

一家全球临床实验室经销商需要为其广泛的实验室设备生产线提供能见度. 他们销售各种顶级品牌的实验室设备,如西门子、雅培、美第佳和Diazyme. 他们的主要CTA集中于接收有关大型分析仪和离心机的联系表格和电话咨询.

我用高流量关键词优化了数千个实验室设备产品,并对他们的网站进行了完整的SEO改造, 在元数据中注入目标关键字. 我还使用特定于产品的关键字优化了url.

我通过有针对性的CTA按钮引导用户通过网站,并根据制造商和类型对设备进行分类,帮助改善用户体验和设计. Next, 我实施了一个高度针对性的链接建设活动, SEO blog writing, and social media campaign. Finally, 我在亚马逊上创建了一个外部产品活动, 强调他们的“滥用药物检测”产品线.


Three months after its launch, users increased by 35%, new users by 42%, new demos by 25%, 新账户数量增长42%. Six months since the launch, users increased by 67%, new users by 59%, new demos by 54%, and new accounts by 69%.

一个新的网络营销品牌活动, SEO, 和社交媒体策略,以提高其新启动的股票交易SaaS软件平台在美国和巴哈马拿骚的知名度. 他们想要硬发射, receive 20,000 monthly visitors, 并在六个月内将他们的订阅者和演示人数增加50%.

我创建了引人入胜的活动,介绍了他们软件的优点和亮点. 我通过利用YouTube视频等技术获得了牵引力, onsite videos, featured snippets, blog posts, 股票交易员重要术语的词汇表, comprehensive FAQs, and social media sharing. 我还对他们的网站进行了全面的SEO改造, 在元数据和特色片段中注入目标关键字. 最后,我为他们巴哈马群岛拿骚的客户创建了一个子域名.


Google SEO, SEO Keyword Research, SEO Tools, Local SEO, SEO Audits, On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, SEO Content, 搜索引擎优化(SEO), SEO Marketing, WordPress SEO, Organic SEO, Social Media, Social Media Content, Social Media Management, Social Media Posting, Social Media Strategy, Social Media Advertising, Organic Social Media, Social Media Optimization, Social Media Analytics, Social Media Campaigns, Social Media Marketing (SMM), Content Strategy, Brand Strategy, Content Marketing, Link Building, Facebook Marketing, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Google AdWords, Brand Marketing, Digital Marketing Strategy, 数字营销最佳实践, Digital Marketing, Keyword Research, Lead Generation, SEO Backlinking, Social Media Design, LinkedIn Ads, LinkedIn Marketing, Instagram Marketing, Twitter Ads, Google Paid Ads, Google Advertising, Google Tag Manager, Mobile Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Paid Advertising, Copywriting, Writing & 编辑,影响者营销,移动广告

Platforms & Tools

Google Analytics, Google Analytics 4, Yoast SEO, Facebook Ads Manager, Google My Business, Google Analytics 360, Amazon SEO, Instagram Ads, Twitter Marketing, Google Ad Manager, Google Data Studio, HubSpot Marketing Hub


Google Search Console, HTML

Business Models

企业对企业(B2B), B2B


SWOT Analysis, UX Analysis, Social Ad Design, Brand Management, Digital Strategy, Launch Strategy, Content Writing, Web Content, Content Management, Google Keyword Planner, Brand Building, Branded Content, Brand Development, User Research, User Engagement, Analytics, Communication, Professional Services, YouTube SEO, Web UX, User Experience (UX), Reputation Management, Google Display Network, Technology Solutions, User Experience Design, SEO Writing, Semrush, Startups, Paid Search, B2B Lead Generation, Competitor Analysis & Profiling, eCommerce, International SEO, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Hootsuite, WooCommerce, Online Reputation Management, Sitemaps

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